Do It Yourself! Volume #5

The Lawrence Arms
"What Time is Pensacola..."
Young bands that inexplicably give their songs long and pointless names  usually just get passed over by your's truly. That's just pretentious. But it's hard not to love these guys and their 

Fabulous Disaster
"Next Big Joyride"
Taking their name from an album from metal maestros, Exodus, these girls sound just as rough and tumble as you'd expect. Ramones riffs with a lyrical sneer. Not your date to prom.

King Django
"Dancehall Rock"
All hail the King! Django's back and  this time he's coming hard with the good Dr. Ring-Ding, delivering a lyrical knockoout inna dancehall stylee.

Less Than Jake
"My Own Flag"
LTJ took a lot of flack during the ska boom from the from the ska cogniscenti... usually for nothing more than  being popular. But to tell you the truth, I can't think of any band that has been as consistent as these guys. It's c omforting that when you get to the chorus, you know that (in typical LTJ fashion) that it's gonna be, "My very own fla-hag."

The Muffs
With their snarling guitars and Kim Shattuck's primal vocal stylings on this tune, it makes me wonder why The Muffs didn't make it big. They were pretty good.

Mike Park
"On That Stage"
Yes, I know. It's pure saccharin. Tricia tells me everytime this song comes up on shuffle. I don't know what to say. I was on this acoustic kick... what with Chris Murray and Vic Ruggiero's albums. Then I find out Mike Park had an album of acoustic stuff out too and I started digging this song. Sue me.

The Business
"No Mercy For You"
Here's one to cleanse the sickening sweetness of the last song right out ya' mouth. Street punk the way it was meant to be done, from one of the pioneering bands of the genre. Oi!

Rocker T
"One More"
Don't smoke much of the sensi, but if'n I did... I'd be sure to grow out mi locks into some natty whiteboy dreads and kick it out in true rasta fashion. Just like Rocker T. 

Leftover Crack
"Crack City Rockers"
Anarcho-crust-ska-punk from the remnants of Choking Victim. Like putting on a pair of crusty socks, because you ain't done laundry for a month. 

About the Artwork:
Presto Magics. These were one of my favorite toys... is it a toy? Anyway, they were one of my favorite things from my childhood. It seemed to make sense to couple this do it yourself comic book set with the Do It Yourself! CD series. Useless trivia: it's hard to read, but in the faded pics of Batman and Robin, Batman says, "I'm a computer," and Robin is saying, "Pork chop sandwiches!"

© 2006 mnu-nu productions