Horror Hound Countdown Day #3

For genre fans, one of the biggest attendees at the convention this November will be Gunnar Hansen. For those not in the know, Hansen played the role of Leatherface in the original version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and, outside of that, never really had any other major film credits to speak of. Sure he did a few horror cameos and such but nothing even approaching the magnitude of playing the Stihl wielding maniac from this 1974 classick. As a side note; I find it completely hilarious is the fact that thes guy who played Leatherface looks exactly like my dad. So I can't wait to get a pic with him in November!
There's not much that I can say about this movie that hasn't been said before (and more eloquently). It is disturbing, gritty and leaves you feeling hollow at the end. The major players in the film are pretty amazing, especially the manical family that lure the young adults to their den of dismemberment. I mean, they pretty much set up the template for all homicidal hillbillies that came after them. Of course, Hansen pulls off Leatherface so well that I half expect him to be a tad bit 'tarded when I meet him come November. Jim Siedow is the perfect comic foil for Edwin Neal's "Hitchhiker" character. And, of course, John Dugan (also appearing at the Horror Hound Weekend) plays it straight and practically motionless as the decomposing patriarch of the family "Grandpa."
The best acting of all, however, comes from Marilyn Burns. Make no mistake. No other woman before or since has conveyed terror more believably on screen. It's not just a couple of shrieks here and there either. It is a prolonged, agonizing fright that builds and builds to the point where she is less a human being and more a frightened animal fueled by adrenaline and a natural flight instinct. It's beautiful and horrifying at the same time.
I can't imagine that very many of you haven't seen this one, but if you haven't... you should be ashamed. Especially if you've seen the remake excreted a few years back by Michael Bay and company. See the real deal. You're not likely to see a more horrifying film anytime soon.
Video Goodness!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Trailer
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Intro
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Hitchhiker Scene
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Dinner Scene
posted by Steve at
11:05 PM

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