THE GRUB REPORT: Cooking the Books: Cookwise

We have a pretty ample library of cookbooks in our kitchen, but despite the quantity they can all be divided in to two distinct categories. The majority of them are recipe collections. You know, those old ragged tomes where you've dog eared your favorite peanut butter cookie recipe or the recipe for the only edible tuna casserole in existence. Then there are those precious few that serve as reference books. Sure they have recipes, but their primary goal is to teach, to provide you with universal truths that you can use to overcome a variety of kitchen conundrums. This week's featured book, Cookwise by Shirley O. Corriher, falls into the latter category.
Think of it as a lab manual for your kitchen. Each chapter is like a unit of study focusing a specific realm of cookery (bread, pasta, desserts, etc.). Shirley demystifies the cooking process by presenting the science in terms even a dolt like myself can understand and explains why successful cooks do what they do.
After you've finished reading your "lesson," she provides you with a recipe as a sort of application assignment, a chance for you to test out what you've learned.
Be sure to check out the "Round Rueben" recipe. It's a Rueben sandwich that's actually baked inside a big round of rye bread. I took it to a Super Bowl party a couple of years back and am still hearing about it!
They have this book at the library. But you're going to want to buy it. And a highlighter. You'll want to take notes.
Originally posted to The Grub Report by Steve Gibson on July 2, 2007 11:57 PM
Originally posted to The Grub Report by Steve Gibson on July 2, 2007 11:57 PM
Labels: food, grubreport
posted by Tricia at
2:54 AM

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